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Parents are an important part of our program and are welcome in the classrooms. Parents are able to help with special enrichment activities, celebrations, special projects, as room parents, and as substitutes for absent staff. Open parent-staff communication is one of the cornerstones of quality child care because it enables us to work as partners for the best possible environment for children. Families and teachers will respect the need for daily open communication regarding pertinent information about the child. The Preschool will use a variety of methods to communicate with parents in a way that is easily understood: newsletters, classroom notes and bulletin boards, phone calls and e-mails. Parents of Infants and Toddlers can expect to receive a written daily report. Teachers and parents will maintain confidentiality about each child and their family.

2023 - 2024 New Parent Orientation

Please watch and review this mandatory new parent orientation. Your child's teacher will have you sign a statement that you have watched this video during your school visit.